Title: The Urban life
Date: 2013-2019

Grace is mightier than the sword, oil on canvas, 70×120 cm, 2018
The Players (The Glamour battle), oil on canvas, 40×80 cm, 2018
Plastic pleasure, oil on canvas, 60×120 cm, 2018
Miss Marmalade, oil on canvas, 120×70 cm, 2018
More is more, oil on canvas, 80×100 cm, 2019
Urban lust, oil on canvas, 80×70 cm, 2019
How could it hurt you when it looks so good?, oil on canvas, 60×60 cm, 2019
The attack of the lipsticks, oil on canvas, 40×30 cm, 2015
Maintenance, oil on canvas, 60×45 cm, 2015
The Vain boy, oil on canvas, 60×80 cm, 2016
Heaven is a place on my bag, oil on canvas, 90x70cm, , 2016
Artificial illusions, oil on canvas, 80×70 cm, 2016
Dreams, longings and obsessions, oil on canvas, 120×80 cm, 2016
Fiction versus reality, oil on canvas, 25×20 cm, 2013